Friday, 11 May 2007

Secret restaurant

Britannia, Mare Street

This is a very small shop, very busy, Turkish, also doing kebabs and falafel.
There is a fruit machine in the far left corner opposite the counter. Half-hidden behind it, I notice a door marked Restaurant. There is only a very narrow gap between the counter ad the fruit machine through which you can reach the door. I ask the man "is there a restaurant in there?' (It seems unlikely given the dimensions of the way in)
'Yes. You like to see?'
'Yes please'
He went out from the counter into a back room, and moments later the door opened from the inside (swinging inwards, avoiding the fruit machine). I entered the restaurant. Through this portal of the tiny chippy I arrived in a cavernous Turkish restaurant. Tables were laid perfectly for dinner, painted murals decorated the walls, there was raffia and a built in bar in one corner. It was completely empty of people, except for the glamorous Turkish wife of the owner, seated at the bar on a high stool with her toddler son.
I asked if I could take a photo. The owner spread his arms, showing the extent of his hidden, windowless restaurant; then, hands on hips, planted his feet firmly and proudly to pose for his photo.

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