Friday, 11 May 2007

Star Fish and Chips, Wilton Way

I buy mushy peas and a buttered roll. This chippy has no spoons. I take a chip fork and try to eat on the hoof. It is impossible. I try breaking up the roll and scooping out the peas; but I can’t hold of the cup of peas and the roll and the broken bit of roll and get it to my mouth. So I eat the roll. Then I find a bench and slowly eat the peas with the round end of the chip fork.
*This shop gave me a spectacular plastic carrier bag with my order. The bag has a picture of a fresh wet fish with eyes on a bed of chips. To the left is a saltshaker with a smiling face and two feet; in one of its arms it holds a chip. The saltshaker has the look of menacing the fish with the chip. To the right is a vinegar bottle, with the vinegar visibly sploshing around inside it. The vinegar bottle is sitting down; it has one hand on its hip and one on the fish. The bag reads

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